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雷和畅 副教授

办公地点: 理工楼706
电子邮箱: hlei@ruc.edu.cn
电    话: 62512092
传    真: 0086-10-62517887
研究组主页: http://qmcm.phys.ruc.edu.cn


 2000年9月至2004年6月 南京工业大学无机非金属材料系  工学学士

 2004年9月至2009年6月 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院固体物理所 理学博士


2009年10月至2012年09月   美国布鲁克海文国家实验室  博士后

2012年10月至2014年11月   日本东京工业大学  博士后

2014年11月至今  中国人民大学物理系 副教授



  1. 铁基超导体和新型超导材料制备和物性研究
  2. 量子关联材料制备和物性研究
  3. 新型无机材料探索
  4. 功能晶体制备和生长技术
  5. 低温输运测量技术



1.J. G. Guo, H. C. Lei, F. Hayashi, and H. Hosono, Superconductivity and phase instability of NH3-freeNa-intercalated FeSe1-zSz.Nature Commun.5, 4756 (2014). (Co-first author)

2.H. C. Lei, W.-G. Yin, Z. Zhong, and H. Hosono, Structural, magnetic, and electrical properties of Li2Ir1-xRuxO3.Phys. Rev. B. 89,020409(R) (2014).

3. H. C. Lei, K. F. Wang, R. Hu, H. J. Ryu, M. Abeykoon, E. S. Bozin, and C. Petrovic, Iron Chalcogenide Superconductors at High Magnetic Fields. Sci. Tech. Adv. Mater. 13, 054305 (2012) (Review Article).

4. R. Hu, K. F. Wang, H. J. Ryu, H. C. Lei, E. S. Choi, M. Uhlarz, J. Wosnitza, and C. Petrovic, Electronic Griffiths Phase in the Te-Doped Semiconductor FeSb2.Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 256401 (2012).

5. H. C. Lei, H. J. Ryu, V. Ivanovski, J. B. Warren, A. I. Frenkel, B. Cekic, W.-G. Yin, and C. Petrovic, Structure and physical properties of the layered iron oxychalcogenide BaFe2Se2O. Phys. Rev. B. 86, 195133 (2012) (Editor’s suggestion).

6. H. C. Lei, Emil S. Bozin, A. Llobet, V. Ivanovski, V. Koteski, J. Belosevic-Cavor, B. Cekic, and C. Petrovic, Magnetism in La2O3(Fe1-xMnx)2Se2 tuned by Fe/Mn ratio. Phys. Rev. B. 86, 125122 (2012).

7. H. C. Lei, D. Graf, R. W. Hu, H. J. Ryu, E. S. Choi, S. W. Tozer, and C. Petrovic, Multiband effects on β-FeSe single crystals. Phys. Rev. B. 85,094515 (2012).

8. H. C. Lei, M. Abeykoon, E. S. Bozin, K. F. Wang, J. B. Warren, and C. Petrovic, Phase diagram of KxFe2-ySe2-zSz and the suppression of its superconducting state by a Fe2-Se/S tetrahedron distortion. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107,137002(2011).

9. H. C. Lei, E. S. Bozin, K. F. Wang, and C. Petrovic, Antiferromagnetism in semiconducting KFe0.85Ag1.15Te2 single crystals. Phys. Rev. B. 84,060506(R) (2011).

10. H. C. Lei, M. Abeykoon, E. S. Bozin, and C. Petrovic, Spin-glass behavior of semiconducting KxFe2-yS2. Phys. Rev. B. 83,180503(R) (2011).

12. H. C. Lei and C. Petrovic, Giant increase in critical current density of KxFe2-ySe2 single crystals. Phys. Rev. B. 84, 212502 (2011).

13. H. C. Lei, H. J. Ryu, A. I. Frenkel, and C. Petrovic, Anisotropy in BaFe2Se3 single crystals with double chains of FeSe tetrahedral. Phys. Rev. B. 84, 214511 (2011).

14. H. C. Lei and C. Petrovic, Critical current density and mechanism of vortex pinning in KxFe2-ySe2 doped with S. Phys. Rev. B. 84,052507 (2011).

15. H. C. Lei, R. Hu, and C. Petrovic, Critical fields, thermally activated transport, and critical current density of β-FeSe single crystals. Phys. Rev. B. 84,014520 (2011).

16. H. C. Lei and C. Petrovic, Anisotropy in transport and magnetic properties of K0.64Fe1.44Se2. Phys. Rev. B. 83,184504 (2011).

17. X. D. Zhu, H. C. Lei, and C. Petrovic, Coexistence of Bulk Superconductivity and Charge Density Wave in CuxZrTe3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106,246404 (2011).

18. H. C. Lei, R. Hu, E. S. Choi, and C. Petrovic, Thermally activated energy and flux-flow Hall effect of Fe1+y(Te1-xSx)z. Phys. Rev. B. 82,134525 (2010).

19. H. C. Lei, R. Hu, E. S. Choi, J. B. Warren, and C. Petrovic, Effects of excess Fe on upper critical field and magnetotransport in Fe1+y(Te1-xSx)z. Phys. Rev. B. 81,184522 (2010).

20. H. C. Lei, R. Hu, E. S. Choi, J. B. Warren, and C. Petrovic, Pauli-limited upper critical field of Fe1+yTe1-xSex. Phys. Rev. B. 81,094518 (2010).