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王善才 教授

办公地点: 理工楼
电子邮箱: scw@ruc.edu.cn
电    话: 62516309
传    真: 0086-10-62517887


1990年9月至1994年7月     中国科学技术大学 学士

1990年9月至1994年7月     中国科学技术大学 硕士

1997年9月至2004年1月 波士顿学院 博士


2004年2月至2006年1月 波士顿大学  (工作在Brookhaven国家实验室)博士后

2006年2月至2007年8月 哥伦比亚大学(工作在Brookhaven国家实验室)博士后

2007年至今 中国人民大学  教授




  1. J.-Z. Ma, A. van Roekeghem, P. Richard, Z.-H. Liu, H. Miao, L.-K. Zeng, N. Xu, M. Shi, C. Cao, J.-B. He, G.-F. Chen, Y.-L. Sun, G.-H. Cao, S.-C. Wang, S. Biermann, T. Qian, and H. Ding, Physical Review Letters 113, 266407 (2014).Correlation-Induced Self-Doping in the Iron-Pnictide Superconductor Ba2Ti2Fe2As4O.
  2. Z.-H. Liu, P. Richard, N. Xu, G. Xu, Y. Li, X.-C. Fang, L.-L. Jia, G.-F. Chen, D.-M. Wang, J.-B. He, T. Qian, J.-P. Hu, H. Ding, S.-C. Wang, Physical Review Letters 109,037003.
    Three-dimensionality and orbital characters of Fermi surface in (Tl,Rb)yFe2-xSe2. 
  3. K Umezawa, Y Li, H Miao, K Nakayama, Z H Liu, P Richard, T Sato, J He, D M Wang, G Chen, H Ding, T Takahashi, and S C Wang, Physical Review Letters 108, 037002 (2012)
    Unconventional Anisotropic s-Wave Superconducting Gaps of the LiFeAs Iron-Pnictide Superconductor.  
  4. Andrea Locatelli, Kevin R. Knox, Dean Cvetko, TevfikOnurMentes, Miguel Angel Niño,Shancai Wang, Mehmet B. Yilmaz, Philip Kim, Richard M. Osgood Jr. Alberto Morgante, ACS Nano, 2010, 4 (8), pp 4879–4889
    Corrugation in Exfoliated Graphene: an electron microscopy and diffraction study.  
  5. Z.-H. Liu, P. Richard, K. Nakayama, G.-F. Chen, S. Dong, J.-B. He, D.-M. Wang, T.-L. Xia, K. Umezawa, T. Kawahara, S. Souma, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, T. Qian, Yaobo Huang, Nan Xu, Yingbo Shi, H. Ding, S.-C. Wang, Physical Review B, 84, 064519 (2011)
    Unconventional superconducting gap in NaFe$_{0.95}$Co$_{0.05}$As observed by ARPES
  6. Kevin R. Knox, Shancai Wang, Alberto Morgante, Philip Kim, Richard Osgood.”Physical Review B 78, 20, (2008)
    Spectromicroscopy of single and multilayer graphene supported by a weakly interacting substrate
  7. Shancai Wang, Mehmet B. Yilmaz, Kevin R. Knox, Nader Zaki, Jerry I. Dadap, Richard M. Osgood, Jr., Tonica Valla and Peter D. Johnson. Physical Review B, 77, 115448, 2008  
    Electronic Structure of Co-Decorated Vicinal Cu(775) Surface: High-Resolution Photoemission Spectroscopy
  8. Zhang, J. D., Ismail, R. G. Moore, S. C. Wang, H. Ding, R. Jin, D. Mandrus, and E. W. Plummer. Physical Review Letters 96, no. 6 (2006)
    Dopant-Induced Nanoscale Electronic Inhomogeneities in Ca2-XSrxRuO4
  9. Colakerol, L., T. D. Veal, H. K. Jeong, L. Plucinski, A. DeMasi, T. Learmonth, P. A. Glans, S. C. Wang, Y. F. Zhang, L. F. J. Piper, P. H. Jefferson, A. Fedorov, T. C. Chen, T. D. Moustakas, C. F. McConville, and K. E. Smith. Physical Review Letters 97, no. 23 (2006) 
    Quantized Electron Accumulation States in Indium Nitride Studied by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
  10. Wang, S. C., and H. Ding. New Journal of Physics 7 (2005)
    Evolution of Electronic Structure in Ca2-Xsrxruo4 Observed by Photoemission
  11. Matsui, H., K. Terashima, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, S. C. Wang, H. B. Yang, H. Ding, T. Uefuji, and K. Yamada. Physical Review Letters 94, no. 4 (2005).
    Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy of the Antiferromagnetic Superconductor Nd1.87Ce0.13CuO4: Anisotropic Spin-Correlation Gap, Pseudogap, and the Induced Quasiparticle Mass Enhancement 
  12. Yang, H. B., S. C. Wang, A. K. P. Sekharan, H. Matsui, S. Souma, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, T. Takeuchi, J. C. Campuzano, R. Jin, B. C. Sales, D. Mandrus, Z. Wang, and H. Ding. Physical Review Letters 92, no. 24 (2004).
    ARPES on Na0.6CoO2: Fermi Surface and Unusual Band Dispersion.
  13. Wang, S. C., H. B. Yang, A. K. P. Sekharan, S. Souma, H. Matsui, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, C. X. Lu, J. D. Zhang, R. Jin, D. Mandrus, E. W. Plummer, Z. Wang, and H. Ding. Physical Review Letters 93, no. 17 (2004).
    Fermi Surface Topology of Ca1.5sr0.5ruo4 Determined by Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
  14. Wang, S. C., H. B. Yang, A. K. P. Sekharan, H. Ding, J. R. Engelbrecht, X. Dai, Z. Wang, A. Kaminski, T. Valla, T. Kidd, A. V. Fedorov, and P. D. Johnson. Physical Review Letters 92, no. 13 (2004)
    Quasiparticle Line Shape of Sr2ruo4 and Its Relation to Anisotropic Transport
  15. Souma, S., Y. Machida, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, H. Matsui, S. C. Wang, H. Ding, A. Kaminski, J. C. Campuzano, S. Sasaki, and K. Kadowaki. Nature 423, no. 6935 (2003): 65-67.
    The Origin of Multiple Superconducting Gaps in MgB2
  16. Sato, T., H. Matsui, T. Takahashi, H. Ding, H. B. Yang, S. C. Wang, T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, A. Matsuda, T. Terashima, and K. Kadowaki. Physical Review Letters 91, no. 15 (2003)
    Observation of Band Renormalization Effects in Hole-Doped High-T-C Superconductors
  17. Matsui, H., T. Sato, T. Takahashi, S. C. Wang, H. B. Yang, H. Ding, T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, and A. Matsuda. Physical Review Letters 90, no. 21 (2003).
    Bcs-Like BogoliubovQuasiparticles in High-T-C Superconductors Observed by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
  18. Matsui, H., T. Sato, T. Takahashi, H. Ding, H. B. Yang, S. C. Wang, T. Fujii, T. Watanabe, A. Matsuda, T. Terashima, and K. Kadowaki. Physical Review B 67, no. 6 (2003)
    Systematics of Electronic Structure and Interactions in Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4 (n=1-3) by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
  19. Wang, Z. Q., J. R. Engelbrecht, S. C. Wang, H. Ding, and S. H. H. Pan. Physical Review B 65, no. 6 (2002)
    Inhomogeneous D-Wave Superconducting State of a Doped Mott Insulator
  20. Ding, H., J. R. Engelbrecht, Z. Wang, J. C. Campuzano, S. C. Wang, H. B. Yang, R. Rogan, T. Takahashi, K. Kadowaki, and D. G. Hinks. Physical Review Letters 87, 227001 (2001)
    Coherent Quasiparticle Weight and Its Connection to High-T-C Superconductivity from Angle-Resolved Photoemission